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Law Revision - Word search on Aids to Statutory Interpretation


Aids to statutory interpretation word search

Try the word search on aids to statutory interpretation. Find case names and words relating to the intrinsic and extrinsic aids to interpretation. Take the word search as many times as you like. It will  generate a new game each time.

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~~ intrinsic ~~ extrinsic ~~ internal ~~ External ~~ presumptions ~~ rules of language ~~ ~~ ejusdem generis rule ~~ espressio unius est exclusion alterius ~~ noscitur a sociis ~~
~~Sweet v Parsley ~~ Inland Revenue v Frere ~~ Powell v Kempton Park ~~
~~ R v Inhabitants of Sedgely ~~ Pepper v Hart ~~ Davis v Johnson ~~

Law Revision - Word search on Aids to Statutory Interpretation