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The English Legal System
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Vortex games
Vortex revision games
Criminal law
Classification of offences
Criminal damage vortex
Insane non-insane automatism vortex
Unlawful killings vortex
Voluntary manslaughter
Involuntary manslaughter
Non fatal offences vortex
Crime and deviance vortex
Criminological theory
Biological theory vortex
Biological theory strengths and limitations vortex
Individualistic theory vortex
Sociological theory vortex
Left and right realism vortex
Statutory interpretation vortex
Classification of offences
Juries advantages and disadvantages
Parliamentary law making evaluation vortex
Contract law
Offer/invitation to treat vortex
Intention to create legal relations
Consideration vortex
Term or representation vortex
Sale of goods vortex
Vitiating factors vortex
Tort law
Negligence vortex
Duty of care
Breach of duty
Remoteness of damage
Volenti non fit injuria
Sources of law
Parliamentary law making evaluation vortex
Statutory interpretation
Civil and criminal law
The English Legal System
Classification of offences
Juries advantages and disadvantages