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Contract Law Revision - Word search on Unfair Terms


Word search on unfair terms in contract law

Try the word search on unfair terms in contract law. Find words from case names relating to common law control of unfair contract terms. Take the word search as many times as you like. It will generate a new game each time.
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~~ Olley v Marlborough Court ~~ Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking ~~ Chapelton v Barry UDC ~~
~~ L'Estrange v Graucob ~~ Curtis v Chemical Cleaning ~~ Thompson v LMS Railway ~~
~~ Interfoto Picture Library v Stilletto ~~ Spurling v Bradshaw ~~ Hollier v Rambler Motors ~~
~~ British Crane Hire v Ipswich Plant Hire ~~ Andrew Bros v Singer Cars ~~
~~ Dunlop v New Garage ~~ 

 Contract Law Revision - Word search on Unfair Terms