Criminal Law Revision Hangman on Duress of Circumstances
Duress of circumstances hangman
1. D drove recklessly mounting a pavement to escape a threatening gang in this case.
2. In this case, D drove recklessly as he believed he was being chased by someone that wanted to harm his passenger.
3. There must be a sufficient nexus between the threat and the crime according to this case.
4. D drove whilst disqualified because his wife threatened to commit suicide in this case.
5. Duress of circumstances is available to all crimes except murder, attempted murder and accessory to murder according to this case.
6. The circumstances are judged as the defendant believed them to be according to this case.
7. An MI5 officer leaked information to journalists in this case.
8. The defence can not be used where D possesses cannabis for medical purposes according to this case.
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Criminal Law Revision Hangman on Duress of Circumstances