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Contract Law Revision - Word search on Remedies


Remedies in contract law

Try the word search on remedies in contract law. Find case names and words relating to different remedies available in contract law. Take the word search as many times as you like. It will generate a new game each time.
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~~ Damages ~~ Rescission ~~ Repudiation ~~ Specific performance ~~ Injunctions ~~
~~ Addis v Gramophone ~~ Hadley v Baxendale ~~ Victoria Laundry v Newman Industries ~~
~~ Parsons v Uttley Ingham ~~ Payzu v Saunders ~~ Bailey v Bullock ~~ Anglia TV v Reed ~~
~~ Jarvis v Swann Tours ~~ Dunk v George Waller ~~ Chaplin v Hicks ~~ Dunlop v New Garage ~~
 ~~ Nutbrown v Thornton ~~ Cohen v Roche ~~ Patel v Ali ~~ Page One Records v Britton ~~

Contract Law Revision Word Search on Remedies